Unraveling the Kyrie Irving Conspiracy Theories

Kyrie Irving is one of the greatest ball handlers to ever play the game. He’s also stoked some controversy and voiced some troubling beliefs throughout his career. Here we’re going to break down every one of the Kyrie Irving conspiracy theories that have arisen over the years.

Chances are, you’re mostly curious about the conspiratorial stuff he said to sink his Nike relationship and get himself reprimanded by the NBA. If that’s the case, you can jump straight to the part where he promoted anti-semitic propaganda on Twitter.

From his flat-earther comments to disagreements with former teammates and coaches, Kyrie grabs a sizeable chunk of NBA conspiratorial thinking as a whole. We’ll sort through all of the outlandish beliefs and ideas surrounding the controversial hooper legend.

Let’s get to it…

Kyrie’s Conspiratorial Beliefs: Kyrie Irving conspiracy theories from the inside

We’ll start with some of the controversial beliefs that Kyrie Irving has espoused in media comments and via social media. Rather than conspiracies about Kyrie Irving, these are conspiracies that Kyrie appears to believe in.

Kyrie Irving has said and done some deeply questionable things. that only seems to have amped up in recent years. I don’t want to take away from the epic missteps, which have occasionally been deeply offensive and damaging. However, I don’t think we can examine this topic without a little context.

If you’re not of the understanding that it is entirely reasonable, particularly for a black man in America, to distrust authority, then I suggest that you have some reading and reflecting to do.

Look, you can’t justify ignorance. I would argue that this is especially true when you have accepted the responsibility of performing for payment on a global stage.

However, most of the topics we’re about to cover here, once you’ve stripped them down to their core, are less about knowledge and more about fear. So let’s at least leave room to understand that fear.

Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America

Let’s jump right into the most controversial Kyrie moment thus far. In 2022, Irving posted a link to a film from 2018 called “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America”.

Here it’s not as much a case of what Kyrie said, as what he promoted. So let’s take a look at the subject matter of this ‘film’:

The central argument of the doc, produced and directed by Ronald Dalton Jr. and based on the director’s books of the same name, is that modern Jewish culture is appropriated from black Africans.

In summary, this is a 3 hour movie detailing highly-subjective events that occurred deep in the past. To make things worse, it parrots all of the major anti-semitic tropes.

The more you look into this, the more frustrating it becomes.

The Flat Earth Theory

Ky also took some heat in 2017 for questioning the shape of the planet on a podcast: Holding Court with Eboni K. Williams. He specifically mentioned this weird concept that pops up frequently in conspiracy circles, that there are no actual images of the planet from a distance.

If you’re not aware, there are a lot of people who insist that our planet is, in fact, flat. Now, I’m not one to completely rule out possibilities. However, in order for the earth to be flat, we would need to have an incredibly widespread conspiracy, or an incredibly confused scientific establishment. The much simpler explanation here is that the world is not flat, so let’s go with that, shall we?

I find Kyrie’s flat-earth statements to be far less damaging than the anti-semitism. It’s not even really clear if he truly believes the earth is flat or if he’s just using the concept to describe the idea he seems to be hooked on, that nothing in this world is 100% provable.

Hey, it’s kinda dumb. He did end up apologizing for his flat-earther statements, basically saying that he didn’t quite realize the impact his words could have.

Who knows if he’s a genuine ‘flat-earther’. Does it matter?

What this speaks to, in my mind, is that we’ve had an incredible track record in the past decade of realizing that things we’ve been told all our lives are not true.

When I was in elementary school, we literally celebrated Christopher Colombus. Growing up in this modern world means coming to the slow realization that concepts you’ve been taught from a young age are false at best, deliberately misleading more often.

This also feels like a reaction to a modern tendency to dismiss an idea as ‘unscientific’. This tendency is terribly frustrating. True science dismisses nothing. We experiment and theorize and validate and things start to look probable.

Yes, the concept that there is a widespread conspiracy to keep the shape of our planet a secret is devastatingly silly. It’s also kinda silly to get stuck on what an athlete says about astronomy on a podcast.

Sure, maybe you get some middle school kids asking if the Earth is flat because they idolize Ky. That’s a problem. Kyrie seems to understand that at least. He really clarifies it in this Times article from 2018.

You can make the point that he’s being reckless, but I’m personally a little tired of arguments based on assuming that people are stupid enough to embrace random statements from athletes, whole cloth, without any research.

Kyrie Irving Conspiracy Theories from the outside

Moving away from what Kyrie himself may believe, there have also been some conspiracy theories that involve Kyrie. Let’s check out the most interesting examples…

Illuminati Involvement

There have been suggestions that Kyrie Irving is a member of the Illuminati. He clearly has a fascination with the ‘all-seeing eye’ and he’s sometimes referred to as ‘third eye Ky’.

Come on… Silly… Literally, almost as silly as the earth being flat.

The Misunderstood Injury

Kyrie Irving suffered a knee injury during the 2017-2018 season. Some speculated that he was faking the injury to take time off and rest. Others believed that the injury could be more severe than Ky was letting on.

It was eventually revealed that Irving was dealing with inflammation in his left knee, and that he was undergoing surgery to remove a tension wire that was placed following his patella fracture in the 2015 finals.

Rumors continued to circulate about Irving’s injury. There was speculation that his career could be over. He has since proven otherwise.

Leaving LeBron James

Kyrie’s departure from the Cavaliers in 2017 was a moment. After playing alongside LeBron for three seasons, Irving requested a trade. Theories arose, as they do. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • The need for a leadership role: Despite being one of the best point guards in the league, Irving played second fiddle to James in terms of leadership and media attention. Some experts believe that Irving wanted to lead his team and become the face of a franchise in his own right.
  • A strained relationship with LeBron: The relationship between Irving and James was always considered tumultuous. Reports suggested that Irving grew frustrated with James’ ball-dominant play and a belief that James didn’t respect him on the court.
  • The desire to play in a different system: Irving wanted to play in a system that could highlight his abilities as a scorer and a playmaker. The Cavs, under the guidance of James, played an iso-heavy game that may not have suited Irving’s playing style.

Irving would go to the Celtics. His time in Boston was marked by injuries and inconsistency. And he’s hopped around quite a bit since. He’s still an incredibly impactful player on every team he joins.

The Nike Connection

Let’s talk Kyrie’s relationship with Nike. As one of the company’s most high-profile endorsers and a key member of their marketing campaigns, Irving’s ties to Nike have been scrutinized for years.

Here are some of the most common theories surrounding the “Nike connection”:

  • Theory 1: Nike is manipulating Irving’s behavior for their own gain. Some fans believe that Nike is using their influence over Irving to control his actions both on and off the court. This could include persuading him to take certain shots or make certain moves during games or even pressuring him to speak out on social and political issues that align with the company’s values.
  • Theory 2: Irving is using Nike to promote his own agenda. On the flip side, some people speculate that Irving is in control of the relationship with Nike and is using his platform to further his own personal beliefs and interests. This could include using Nike-sponsored events to promote his own brand or directing Nike’s messaging in a way that supports his vision and goals.
  • Theory 3: Nike is using Irving as part of a larger conspiracy. Finally, some conspiracy theorists believe that Irving and Nike are both part of a larger conspiracy to manipulate the public in some way. This could include anything from attempting to control the global economy to influencing political elections or world events.

Have I mentioned that I’m a fan of conspiracy? I genuinely love the stories, and imagining the world in a different way. The idea that there could be bits of information that broader society is blind to fascinates me. And we’ve seen over time that these pieces of sheltered information are occasionally true.

However, the kryptonite to conspiracy is complexity. The more people involved, the more twists and turns required to make a theory work, the more likely it is false.

With the Nike conspiracies, it’s pretty safe that the obvious stuff is true. Kyrie has used the brand to promote his own agenda, and they have used him to promote theirs. That’s called sponsorship. Beyond that, it gets too intricate, and the motivation gets ridiculous.

The Mysterious Spiritual Journey

Kyrie Irving’s spirituality has been a significant part of his public persona for years. He speaks openly and passionately about it, which has led to many speculations and rumors.

Some believe that his spiritual journey is connected to his career, while others think that his beliefs influence his life choices on and off the court. Here are some of the most notable conspiracy theories regarding Kyrie Irving’s spiritual journey.

I don’t deny the possibility that Kyrie could be acting in pursuit of shamanic or mystic goals. He may well be in search of enlightenment or spiritual attainment. That’s kinda cool honestly, and I’d be the first to encourage it. Most of these pursuits are inextricable from the pursuit of improving oneself.

Obviously he’s not making the most efficient progress.

The Duke Connection

Some folks believe that Irving’s one-year stint with Duke was nothing but a plan to boost his NBA draft stock.

Irving suffered a serious toe injury just a few games in. This injury kept him out for most of the season. Meanwhile, he was drafted.

Some have suggested that the toe injury was either fabricated or exaggerated in order to help Irving avoid potentially damaging his draft stock.

I don’t totally get how a fake injury, which would involve a lot of scheming, would actually improve your draft sock. He would go on to become the #1 pick. That feels like it was in spite of the injury more than as a result of it.

That’s just me though, assuming that an injury is a concern when considering someones athletic potential. I would just guess that you might prefer someone who is physically capable of athletic performance, even if it is a known injury that’s holding them back.

The Australian Bushfire Donation Conspiracy

In January 2020, devastating bushfires ravaged Australia, destroying over 46 million acres of land, killing an estimated one billion animals, and causing at least 34 human fatalities.

Melbourne born Kyrie Irving was among the many celebrities and personalities to pledge to the cause, announcing in January that he would give $500,000 to various Australian charities.

This conspiracy theory suggests that Irving’s donation was just a publicity stunt and that he did not intend to follow through with it. Kyrie would ultimately refute the claims himself in an Instagram post, explaining that the donation process was taking longer than expected due to banking issues.

The Madden Curse

There’s this idea that any athlete who appears on the cover of the popular NFL video game, Madden, will suffer an injury or poor performance in the following season.

Here are a few instances where the curse appeared to hold true:

  • In 1999, San Francisco 49ers running back Garrison Hearst broke his ankle in the playoffs after appearing on the cover of Madden ’99.
  • In 2001, Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Randy Moss missed a significant portion of the season due to injury after being featured on the cover of Madden 2002.
  • In 2009, Brett Favre threw a career-high 22 interceptions after being featured on the cover of Madden 09.

So, it’s not Madden, but Irving was featured on the cover of NBA 2K18. Irving went to the Boston Celtics the following year. Irving did play out the entire season and had a strong performance, bu he did deal with injuries and tension with the team.

I mean, this takes some serious mental gymnastics to even invent.


After exploring the various Kyrie Irving conspiracy theories, it’s clear that there are many rumors and speculations surrounding the NBA star. While some of these theories may have a kernel of truth, such as the tension between Irving and LeBron James leading to his departure from the Cavaliers, most seem to be baseless claims without any concrete evidence.

While it’s understandable that many fans and critics may be deterred by Irving’s unconventional personality and beliefs, it’s important to separate fact from fiction when assessing his actions and statements. Without concrete evidence, it’s unfair to paint Irving as a villain or perpetuate unsubstantiated rumors about his motives or intentions.

At the end of the day, Kyrie Irving is a highly skilled athlete who has made a significant impact on the NBA. Whether you love him or hate him, it’s crucial to remember that he’s a human being with his own ideas and opinions. While it’s natural to speculate and ponder on his actions, we should focus on celebrating his talent and his achievements on the court.