The Ultimate Basketball Music Breakdown

You need a little freshness in your basketball music rotation. That’s not to speak ill of your taste, or your knowledge of music. We can all benefit from fresh beats, especially on the court.

So break out your notepad, cuz we’re about to dive so deep into the basketball beat stacks, your shoe laces are gonna smell like old vinyl. That barely makes sense. What I really mean is that, whether you’re looking for some fresh tunes, good albums, the best songs on the topic of basketball, or the most popular basketball jams, you’ve found the right page.

But first, let’s make sure we understand what exactly it is you’re looking for. If you’re working on your shoot-around playlist, you can narrow down your search with these posts.

If you just need something to listen to, basketball podcasts are a great option as well.

If you’re more interested in just collecting facts, I’d point you towards one of these posts…

And if you just want a little info on the crossover between music and basketball, go ahead and read on.

Basketball Music Photo by Ashutosh Sonwani:

Why do Music and Basketball Go So Well Together?

Just like Burt and Lonnie, or Nick and Jessica, Music and basketball are a perfect match. Basketball has that bounce. Like, as a sport, it literally involves a lot of bouncing. But it has a rhythm too.

It is no magical serendipity that there’s an obvious overlap in Hip Hop and basketball culture.

We play basketball for all kinds of reasons. But if you play basketball, and you enjoy it, you oughta just shoot around once in awhile. Kick away any goal or competition that might be taking up space in your mind. Just put on some beats and play.

And what should you listen to? Certainly this topic is extremely subjective. But I think we can agree on one thing. Basketball and tunes go together. The most basic rules of the game enforce a natural rhythm. You have to bounce in order to move. It is no great wonder that the evolution of hip-hop culture itself is deeply connected to the game of basketball.

But we’re not gonna limit ourselves to any one genre. Take it from someone who plays to music every day. There is no genre that does not belong on the court. If that’s the case though, what’s the point? Wouldn’t a compilation of great basketball music be indistinguishable from a compilation of great music in general?

Kinda. Like I said, there’s a rhythm to basketball. And so there’s a certain beat and energy that taps into that rhythm in your head. Pumping a little of that rhythm straight into your head can go a long way towards getting where you want to be; tuned in, nailing shots, and having fun.

Start with Albums

I think a lot of angles on this topic tend to jump right into songs, focusing specifically on basketball-themed songs. But then you’re on your own trying to piece together a playlist that might not even have any kind of proper flow to it. Plus, most of those basketball song posts are just lists of songs about basketball (like this one, hehe).

That’s why I recommend starting off with albums. That’s right kids, back before streaming (and mp3’s if you even remember those) artists used to craft together entire blocks of music, appropriately matched, intended to be enjoyed as a whole. It just so happens that some of these “albums” are very neatly aligned with the game of basketball and enable one to simply hit play and let loose.

So again, here’s my list of great albums to hoop to. But this really is subjective, so I’ll also mention that any album you love is gonna work. But specifically, try to find an album that includes some improvisational sections. It also helps to pick something that captures an energy that you want to bring to the court, but improvisational qualities are more important if you ask me. There’s something about a beat that’s in the process of finding itself that fits with the improvisational qualities of basketball.

Great jazz albums and great guitar instrumental albums work well. But if you’re not used to instrumental music, it can be tough to find what you like. I’d start with a style or instrument and go from there.

In fact, work off of one of your favorite songs. Let’s say you happen to pick a mid-90’s Dre-produced song. Perfect, start taking it apart. Can you find some instrumental hip hop albums you’re into. Maybe there’s an element you like. If it’s Dre, it might just be that west coast funk synth. So look for funk synth instrumental albums, right. Like this list which definitely has some prime suspects. And then don’t waste too much time on any one album if it doesn’t work.

But Basketball Playlists Work too

I keep a basketball playlist. I keep a lot of playlists actually, but one specifically for hoopin’. When a song catches, I throw it on the list. When it drags, it gets kicked off. Again, you can’t let anything linger too long.

I specifically look for instrumental and improvisational stuff for playing basketball. But there’s also a vibe I’m looking for. If a groove hits right, it goes on the list.

Another little musical vein to mine is the 432 hz. category. It’s pretty hokey, but the idea is that, while most music is tuned to 440 hz, 432 hz is actually a perfect A. So some suggest that tuning to 432 provides an improved resonance with the human body.

But there is some indication that this may be true. While I’m perfectly willing to accept this is all in my head, I do feel that an album tuned to 432 can improve focus and mood. You can’t find every album in 432, but there are plenty out there if you hunt.

Wrapping it up

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, let me know. I’m a big fan of both music and basketball and I really want to make sure we create here one of the best resources for finding music to hoop to, music about basketball and everything in between and surrounding those topics.